How long would the order delivery take ?

Delivery of the product will be made in 3-5 days after placing the order. We usually ship all orders under 24 hours.

Is COD available? Are there any shipping charges?

The COD option is not available right now due to large number of fake orders. Other payment options such as Debit/Credit cards, Paytm and UPI are available.

The shipping is free above ₹399, whereas express shipping charges of ₹49 will be charged below the mentioned amount.

Is it safe to buy from Capîshe?

Yes, 100%. We do not store any of your payment information. If you face any issues with our order, our team of professionals is there to help you out.

How do I track my order?

Once your order is shipped, we will share a tracking code via email. Enter that tracking code here to track your order.

Do you accept returns?

Yes, if you received a damaged item or if the product is not as described on the website, you will receive a full refund to your original payment source, if you face any such issue, write to us at care[at]capishe.in along with valid video proof.

What if I miss the delivery of my order on the delivery day?

Assuming you’re not present when our courier partner attempts to deliver your order, they will make 2 more re-attempts on the successive days, after which your package will be sent back to us.

Do you also deliver orders outside India?

No, currently we are only available in India.


When the order payment is taken of my bank account?

Vestibulum a fringilla scelerisque ante nisl id taciti parturient praesent suscipit mi at id vestibulum cum vel purus suspendisse egestas ad aenean a penatibus urna.Dignissim senectus metus sodales euismod.

What is wishlist?

Proin vel nunc non curabitur nullam suspendisse potenti lacinia in duis neque tempor a felis sit parturient placerat suspendisse primis.

Condimentum parturient aenean aliquam quis auctor dictumst condimentum nec ad non urna accumsan hendrerit pretium potenti adipiscing adipiscing a sapien hendrerit ullamcorper accumsan risus mi et porta.

Ac et condimentum potenti condimentum.

What should I do if I receive a damaged or wrong product?

A faucibus leo auctor scelerisque sit torquent non ligula maecenas a suspendisse fermentum habitant aliquet consectetur mi ad nisl himenaeos elementum lobortis ornare ac adipiscing leo condimentum consectetur nibh laoreet.

Dictum a elit ridiculus odio montes.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Enim adipiscing commodo vestibulum condimentum parturient vulputate gravida phasellus scelerisque tellus lobortis scelerisque hac metus tincidunt mi.

Vestibulum vestibulum parturient inceptos scelerisque neque a facilisis posuere sem ullamcorper scelerisque ac.

What is “package tracking“ in my orders?

Dignissim id a at adipiscing aptent nunc a dui dis quis est arcu parturient conubia lacinia adipiscing pulvinar nullam mi etiam leo molestie at elementum.

Quis nam per sem facilisis a a parturient consectetur mauris scelerisque parturient adipiscing pretium ac eget consectetur.

Condimentum nascetur sagittis eu himenaeos pharetra natoque bibendum pharetra nec vel a turpis dis phasellus ultrices sapien.